This story follows four ninja as they explore a strange world filled with samurai and ruined temples.
"RUN! Get to the hangers!"
"Everyone! Get in a ship and fly away!"
The ships fly away, but only the ninja survive.
"I see a planet up ahead."
"We're here, but I don't know where 'here' is, and I don't see the others anywhere.
"Um... wow. That's big
"Hey, look! A temple!"
"Are you coming?"
"Those are some big ruins..."
*Chink* "AHHH!"
"Wow... solid gold..."
"I wonder who threw this?"
The samurai and ninja fight sword to spear, neither able to gain the upper hand.
"If I were you, I'd run."
"I don't know what he'll do, so lets run away."
"Huh? Uh oh..."
"Maybe we can colonize this planet. If we get rid of the samurai, that is."